Schedule Information
Families choose a schedule that works for them.
Options include:
Full Time (3 days per week)
Half Time: (3 half days per week)
One day per week; or
Two Days per week
We currently serve children ages 4-16+
Days of the Week: Tuesdays , Thursdays, and Fridays
Full Day: 9:00 - 3:00
Half Day AM Session: 9:00 - 12:00
Half Day PM Session: 12:00 - 3:00
During their time with us, children will have access to all kinds of things that can enrich their day! We provide a variety of toys, games, craft materials, science supplies, books, and more! Of course, our community of learners is the most important part of our program!
Learn More About Our Teachers/Facilitators!
Clubs Program
Our Clubs Program is entering it’s second year and overlaps with the Free To Program! All families enrolled in Free To will also be automatically enrolled in our Clubs Program at no additional cost. Children enrolled in Free To will be encouraged and supported in attending or creating clubs around their own interests. Available clubs will likely change over time along with the interests of our community members. Visit our clubs page to learn more!